Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Poems of Gratitude

Open Your Heart To Receive True, Unlimited Abundance and Success

Reading or writing poems of gratitude opens our hearts to receive abundance in many forms.

They can make you feel better instantly. You cannot express thanks to a friend or the Universe without getting immediate results.

Learning to adopt a gratitude psychology on a regular basis is as important as eating healthy foods or exercising. Practicing gratitude awareness should be a daily, moment by moment experience. We don't have to wait until Thanksgiving to write a poem of gratitude.

Some people express prayers for gratitude right before they go to bed at night. Others express their thanks before each meal. When you live with gratitude, your heart often explodes with joy.

Morsels of Gratefulness by Harvey Rosenburg

When life seems destitute,
and beats you upside down,
morsels of gratefulness loosen,
a smile from a frown.

Being grateful costs nothing,
it's yours for free.
Look all around you
for your Gratefulness Inventory.

You get to choose your grateful ways,
it's up to you to say:
"Do I focus on my meager lacks,
or be thankful one more day?"
If you crave inner peace,
and are fed up with war;
choose gratefulness as the bedrock
of your loving inner core.

How do we make our lives poems of gratitude?

Each of us has the ability to make our life a poem of gratitude. Each moment of the day we choose which thoughts and feelings we focus upon.

Notice I said we choose. No one makes you choose one thought or feeling over another thought, though emotions often get in the way and cloud your attempts at making our lives poems of gratitude.

One way to begin to make your life a poem of gratitude is by not letting your feelings manipulate you all the time.

Feelings come and go; feelings of well being vanish in a moment when a doom and gloom thought passes through your mind.

Then you often feel worse and find yourself beating yourself up for something you did or didn't do. In other words, you make matters worse by how you talk to yourself.

When you become a thought warrior and deepen self-love, you let those low self-esteem thoughts fly on by without believing them and without adding fuel to the fire of the feelings.

When we're able to nurture the attitudes and beliefs in life that empower us and make us loving, kind, compassionate people, then we begin to make our lives poems of gratitude.

According to M.J. Ryan in Attitudes of Gratitude...

"One way to generate gratitude is by a conscious decision to practice looking at what's right in our lives, rather than focusing on what's missing."

The more we follow M.J. Ryan's advice, the more our lives become poems of gratitude. It actually becomes easier to do this after you start noticing the feeling results you get by focusing on what's missing in your life: pain, misery, sadness, loneliness, heartache, jealousy and the like.

A dear friend of mine once stated that his spiritual teacher had told him: "Know it for certain, that everything that comes to you is in your own best spiritual interests."

Not always easy to remember and practice, but expressing love and gratitude regularly make it easier.

 A Poem of Gratitude:
Look Within to Find Gratefulness

Every moment I dance madly
in Your Love and gratitude
You show me Truth: like divine happiness,
all my answers are within.

Not above in the stars and sky,
nor in books and poems,
only in the writings of Your heart
do I get the chance to dance madly in Your Love.

You gift me with gratitude,
You attract me to go within,
to give up what no longer works
and swim in the ocean of Your Grace.

Poems of gratitude need not be masterful works of art. In fact, they don't even have to be poems! The point is to find a way to express your most authentic, heartfelt gratitude for whatever it is that you find significant. Do it in the way that feels the most real for you, like Deb did...

Some Beautiful Words Of Gratitude
Submitted By Deb

To be grateful to me is wanting to thank the universe for all I have and all that I have wished for.

I asked for a healthy and happy family and money to pay bills, and I have that. I wish for my Children to grow up and have happy, healthy and fulfilling lives in what ever they wish and want to do. I wish for my husband to be happy and fulfilled in his everyday life and grateful for the opportunities he has had.

Most of all I am grateful that we have LOVE and PEACE with us always. I know that this is not a poem, but it is what my heart is saying. Thanks for reading.

Uncover and Eliminate Limiting Beliefs

If you want your life to be a poem of gratitude, you must pounce on the negative, life draining, energy sucking thoughts as quickly as you switch channels on your remote. When you focus on what's right in your life, you make an immediate connection to the Creator and feel good instantly.

No other attitude brings inner peace so rapidly and consistently. You can practice being thankful and writing poems of gratitude whenever you wish.

I wish you great success in making your life read like Poems of Gratitude. Being grateful is perhaps the single most important attitude you can live with.