Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Love Poems For Valentine

Please enjoy another one of my love poems.Swimming Through LoveCry with meRubbing your softness into my skinLet us blend our tears togetherConcocting wet sunshineTo flash across our yearsLet your fingers traceAnd let your lips erase all the painSwim with meIn wet desireAnd may the juices flowFrom one love to another loveSo that we may drink and taste the wine of one anotherAnd let us be drunk on loveFeasting on the meatOf each others...

Monday, February 3, 2014

Male Body Language Can Be Such a Give Away - Whether Men Like to Admit it or Not!

Male body language will always give them away, but you can learn how to spot the tell-tale signs of a man who's interested in you so you'll never be left guessing again!The ApproachIf a man is interested, as he approaches you he will pull in his tummy, puff out his chest and stand taller. He’ll then start the preening!PreeningThis will take the form of: Reaching for his throat and straightening his tie Smoothing his collar Brushing imaginary dust from his shoulder Rearranging his shirt, cufflinks or other clothing Smoothing...

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Female Body Language Will Always Give a Women Away - No Matter How Hard She Tries

With female body language,as with male body language, women display similar preening characteristics to men but often are a little more subtle than their male counterparts when used in flirting. Never-the-less there are additional signals to look out for which generally indicate an interest in the person they're talking to. The Head Toss Women do this to throw their hair back over their shoulders, attract attention and to show off...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Confident Public Speaking - no matter how shy you are!

In public speaking, it's not what you say it's how you say it and this makes all the difference. By following these simple tips you’ll be on the way towards transforming yourself into a confident and engaging public speaker no matter how shy you might be when you start out. That Vital Preparation There are two elements to your preparation: Your Content Yourself Deciding what you are going to say is the easy part, but do make sure...

Friday, January 31, 2014

Body Language - saying so much, without speaking

The majority of actual conversation is composed of body language, so it’s obviously important to have an awareness of these non verbal cues, if you want to get your message across. It’s also important to be able to recognize them in others Your level of confidence affects your body language, very much like how real words are pronounced and stressed. Each action, subtle or emphasized, should properly compliment the idea, whether or not...

Thursday, January 30, 2014

My 7 Point Plan for Getting Rid of Shyness - forever!

When you walk into a room full of strangers are you often overcome by shyness?Does your mouth go dry when speaking in public ? Does your face redden? Do you start to stutter? Maybe you’ve decided it’s not worth the stress and avoid strangers altogether.You needn’t. Follow this 7 point plan and you will get rid of any embarrassment and stage fright forever.1.    Draw a circle on the ground about a metre in diameter.........

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Improving Self Confidence - you can if you think you can!

Improving self confidence is possibly the last thing we might be expecting to need do, when as children with such vivid imaginations, we could do so many things without batting an eyelid because no one had told us we couldn't. Then once we started believing we couldn't we applied it to so many different situations in our lives.We all know just how creative young children can be. Right now, your fridge door may be a living example of...