Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Success Poem Inspiring You to Make Your Life Precious

A success poem follows that is meant to show you the possibilities of feeling good about yourself. The secret of law of attraction is to raise your vibration.

When you make your life precious, you activate the secret of the law of attraction as you become more in tune with the natural laws of the universe.

Most of us spend so much time beating ourselves up, we forget the need to accept and honor ourselves when we're feeling good about ourselves.

When is the last time you made yourself a success meal? A meal just to honor and be thankful for all the success you already have?

Or have you written any poems of gratitude or gone on a gratitude walk to share your thankfulness for the abundance already existing in your life?

The more you express gratefulness, the more you attract success, and your life becomes like a success poem.

When you make your life precious, you are a living example of a success poem come to life.

Writing a success poem about yourself isn't arrogance or being a braggart. It's simply recognizing our good qualities and seeing how we've healed. It makes our life more precious and is worth doing.

I wrote the following success poem in 2003. I was feeling comfortable with myself, content with my life, happy with how I was caring for myself.

I was more and more my own person. I was listening less to the masses and mass media. And my self-image was authentic. Didn't have a need for self-esteem improvement, as mine was soaring.

I was trusting myself and learning how to raise self-esteem. It was as though I was a living success quote.

In other words, the following success poem shows how good I was feeling about myself and my abilities to make my life worthwhile.

It was around this time, or shortly before, that I studied to become a life and success coach. I had helped people for years in the role of a personal development coach.

Basically, I listened, asked them questions, and offered feedback for their consideration, which seemed to come effortless and naturally to me. I never thought I'd someday get paid for being a success and abundance coach.

I hope you enjoy the following success poem called

Making My Life Precious

When I carry myself as a jewel cradled gently and securely
in outstretched hands two feet from my heart, I care for myself.

A soft smile rips through every fiber of my being.

I am nurtured and safeguarded in a womb of love.

My bounce carries me into a friendly world, for I befriend myself as no one else can.

I shower love upon myself, some might say selfishly, yet wise ones congratulate me.

I nourish a deep, intimate relationship with myself and then others.

I am my best friend.

I honor, respect, and accept my needs as mine. And I learn to take care of them as no one else can.

I seek help as needed, whether it be a massage, a warm shoulder, a piece of vegan chocolate cake with thick frosting that melts sensuously between spaced teeth.

As I attune myself to needs crying for attention,
I walk tall, head high, spine straight.

My whole being dances to the music of my heart and recognizes that my love for myself allows me to serve others.

I walk or run or fly away from situations dangerous to my spirit and soul.

I engage less in the game to please others and recognize more when
I flee my own body to be a nice guy and go along with the crowd because
I am fogging out and that is the easiest route.

Now, I strive to choose what I want from life, moment by moment,
without of course knowing for certain what life will give me unannounced, unasked for, unanticipated. That is another story.

I remind myself, "This is your precious life, Harvey, how are you spending it"?

When I know what I want, whether it be goals or feelings or tastes of being,
I improve my chances for present moment to moment contentment,
which allows me to die any given time, knowing I have lived.

Can you die this moment, at peace with your life?

If no, mount your horse and ride towards the sunset of your dreams, wants, desires so your heart can content-mentize itself now.

I look into the mirror of life and am grateful for its reflection.